Round Two

Our garden needed a little pick up.  The tomatoes were pretty much done and looking sick at that.  And weeds were starting to creep in.  But I finally did break down and added chicken wire on one bed to keep the bunnies from eating everything.

Garden '10 round 2

And now that fall is approaching, cool season crops can be reintroduced.  I had really good intentions of a) having a second crop to go in the garden this year and not just call it quits after the heat of summer passed b)start the second crop from seed.

Well I was successful on one and a half counts.

I started seed for lettuce and snap peas in pots on the deck.  And they looked great for a while.  But then the wind knocked down the pot with lettuce.  And the bunnies got the peas.

So we bought the second round at the store.

And now lettuce, onions are starting again.

Garden '10 round 2

Garden '10 round 2

The bed looks so much cleaner and the peppers are still thriving on the end.


Yeah about the peppers…..Mexican night every night this week.




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